In een uitgebreid artikel van het magazine van de Propeller Club of Liverpool, een bijdrage rond Propeller Club Europe.

In hun magazine Leading Edge een mooie samenvatting van de oorsprong de korte geschiedenis maar vooral een vooruitblik op de nieuwe Propeller Club Europe.
Leading Edge (Autumn/Winter 2020)


Gezien de toch wel zeer bijzondere situatie in Italie werd een blijk van sympathie overgemaakt per brief aan de vrienden van The Internatonal Propeller Clubs.

Dear Propeller Club friends,
We see how the world has been hit by the Corona Virus.

We are sorry to see that China and Italy are amongst the ones who have been hit the hardest.

Our heart and sympathy go out to our Italian friends and families.
We hope that you and your loved ones have not been affected by this nasty virus. For those who have been affected we wish for a full and speedy recovery.
When this is all over, we will again toast together to our friendship.

Stay healthy.
With love from Antwerp

Mark Scheerlinck
The Propeller Club Port of Antwerp

The Antwerp Department of the Propeller Club, a business club of maritime professionals, now sails an independent course of the American parent organization. Earlier, the divisions in Italy, Switzerland and Liverpool also went their own way.

The Propeller Club in the port of Antwerp was founded October 15th 1996. Now the Antwerp department goes its own independent way. “In a world of change, an organisation needs to question itself regularly,” says President Mark Scheerlinck. We note that the interests of our members are mainly in the European hinterland, combined with a worldwide reach. A strong European network imposes itself,  along with a strong local anchoring. The Board of Directors decided, together with the members at the Extraordinary General Assembly of October 8th 2019, to sail an independent course from now on.


“Other major European clubs already preceded us, such as the Italian Propeller Clubs with 24 ports and 1,400 members, Basel and Geneve with 600 members”, Mark Scheerlinck continues. “More recently, Liverpool also became an independent maritime club.” 

European cooperation

Meanwhile, the independent European Propeller Clubs are exchanging views and  contemplate on how to cooperate. A successful mission on October 10th to the Annual Convention of the Italian Propeller Clubs, together with the Propeller Club of Geneva, laid the basis for more European cooperation and exchanges between clubs. More than 2,000 maritime professionals unite that way. Other maritime clubs already showed interest. Joint missions to other ports are currently being planned.

The Propeller Club Port of Antwerp is rejuvenating: a new website, app and member administration support the renewal. A new logo completes the operation.

Bezoek van de Propellerclub Italia. Met een uitgebreid programma zoals onder andere gala diner in De Kamers en de Spiegelzaal, bezoek aan het Havenhuis en dagtrip naar Rotterdam.

We waren hier te gast op het jaarlijks diner van de Propeller Club Basel, een club met een 300-tal leden met quasi het volledige Baseler Spediteurs Verein.
Een unieke opportuniteit om de banden met fellow-Propeller-members aan te halen.



Onze jaarplanning voor 2019

15/01 Nieuwjaarsreceptie
12/02 Gewestelijk Havencommissaris – Jan Blomme
12/03 Vleemo – David Daggelinckx
26/03 Havendag Basel ism het Havenbedrijf
23/04 nog te plannen
14/05 nog te plannen
11/06 Jaarlijkse Vergadering
14/06 Propeller Open Golf – 15Y Jubileum Editie